CITB Coronavirus Response Update 02/09/2020

Good afternoon,

 I hope you’re having a good week. Today’s email contains a reminder about setting up your interest-free direct debit; news on the opening of the National Construction Colleges (NCC); and an update on the current uptake of the Training Group GET Fund.

Direct debit guidance for Levy-paying employers

Following the announcement in June of the delay in Levy payments from May 2020 until September 2020, we proposed a reduction on the 2021/22 Levy rate, providing an overall saving of 25% across two years to help businesses with cash flow.

Additionally, we have extended the period over which regular payments can be made, offering the ability to pay instalments over a full 12 months. Direct debit instalments are usually collected in the 10 months between May and February but will now be collected over a full 12 months, starting in September 2020 and completing in August 2021.

For employers with existing direct debits, these will automatically switch to the new instalment plan. For others wanting to benefit from the extended period of interest-free direct debits, you will need to complete and return the direct debit mandate that will accompany the 2019 Levy Assessment Notice no later than 18 September 2020. The first direct debit instalment is due by 28 September 2020.

More information can be found here. If you have an estimated Levy payment or need guidance on what to do, please click here.

Opening of the National Construction Colleges (NCC)

We are pleased to announce that face-to-face training has resumed at all National Construction Colleges (NCC) across England and Scotland.

The wellbeing of delegates and teaching staff continues to be of upmost importance and we have been diligent in following all government guidelines. We are continually monitoring government advice, especially in respect of regional variations, to ensure the colleges meet the standards required to keep you and colleagues safe while training.

To meet the rising demand for remote learning, the NCC have also increased the range of courses now available through remote training, including Health & Safety Awareness, SSSTS Refresher, Temporary Works, SEATS and CDM Regs. Courses can be found here, you can book by calling: 0344 994 4433.

Training Group GET Fund

Following feedback from Training Groups, we launched the Training Group Grant Eligible Training (GET) Fund in August 2020, to support Training Group members with the challenges presented by Covid-19. These groups allow local, mainly micro and small construction employers, to join up and using their collective buying power to arrange discounted local training for their workforce.

This fund offers £25,000 to Training Groups that have not already entered into a contract for a Skills & Training Fund allocation. So far, 49 Training Groups have accessed the fund, providing over £1.2m of funding to assist members with their immediate core training requirements, many companies needing to ensure their workers skills are up to date following a recent fallow lockdown training period.

Additionally, 31 Training Groups have accessed Skills & Training Funds on behalf of their members, to deliver key training and skills development and we await applications from the remaining 8 Training Groups that have not yet applied for either funding option.

The Training Group GET Fund can support with any grant eligible training needs and is open for remaining Training Groups to apply until 31 October 2020.

A reminder…

CITB’s COVID-19 Urgent Messages page is refreshed daily and includes updates on the full range of our work. You can also read the range of support measures made available to UK businesses and employees by the UK Government.

I would like to wish you, your colleagues and family a safe and pleasant week ahead.

Kind wishes,

Sarah Beale

Chief Executive